Public Venice Art Biennial T-Guardians by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer sculpture art show

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First images at the T-Guardian tour Venice 2013

T-Guardians on Tour at Venice and Basel, Venezia Biennale de arte, Scope show Art Basel swiss – Galerie Kunst und Handel, Manfred Kielnhofer, Christoph Luckeneder sculpture arts

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Das Duo “Zwei Lichtgestalten” Manfred Kielnhofer und Christoph Luckeneder werden bei der “Biennale di Venezia” und bei der Art Basel Auftritte haben. Am 2. Mai kam es in Linz zu einer spontanen Aktion in der Linzer Innenstadt. Ausgehend vom Pfarrplatz wurde das Modell des T-Guard auf dem Rad über den Hauptplatz zur Galerie Thiele in der Klosterstrasse gebracht. Der neugierigen Bevölkerung wurde geduldig Rede und Antwort … über den Sinn der Aktion. Ein weiteres Modell ist in Arbeit und wird in Kürze bei der Galerie Thiele in der Klosterstrasse ausgestellt sein. Das Hauptwerk wird in Originalgrösse an die 3 m haben, die Arbeiten sind voll im Gange, Sie werden, vorwiegend auf Facebook, über den Stand der Dinge

Faceless guardians on tour biennial venice festival art arts design sculpture show by Manfred Kielnhofer sculptor artist designer photographer

public biennale de arte venice international world light art arts design exhibition sculpture guardians of time manfred kielnhofer 4339

Gondola guardians at public Venice Biennial project by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary art design sculpture exhibition

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Austrian artist and designer Manfred Kielnhofer has send us the following pictures of his new series of sculptures names Light Guards (also named as time guards) that incorporate polyester figures with energy saving light sources. The result is pretty spectacular and is based on German mythology…
According to German Mythology, “Historians and experts in new fields of science assume that the emerging of the Time Guardians is connected to warnings and control visits, respectively corrective actions. According to ancient scriptures it is “the time travelers” that find out the GOOD – BAD status of our actions and the recent condition of our planet to correct and restore it. What actions there are that protect the collective harmony is mostly still in the field of speculation; moreover that knowledge is beyond our understanding and human perception. The phenomenon was studied by the leading historians, sociologists, scientists of outer limits of knowledge and (para-) psychologists of all times but they found hardly any satisfying results. One general accepted theory is that our own motivation and the human actions themselves are the trigger for the working of the GUARDIANS. Through time they enter our world and always remain present to take record of our actions. Nobody can withdraw from their universal and objective valuations and guidance.”

Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Settle in During Art Biennial Venice 2013

public art biennial festival show exhibition in Venice by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary art design architecture sculpture theatre 4273

The „guardians of time“ are mystical sculptures who are travelling the worlds’ museums and exhibitions. Exclusively for Art Biennial Venice they made their journey to Italy. Each night they show up on a different spot in Venice. This unique light project is created by Manfred Kielnhofer.

The Guardians of Time are sculptures created by Manfred Kielnhofer (Austria). The story behind these mystique illuminated creatures is about observing the and protecting the world. The Guardians appear worldwide at historical important places and the community of international photographers following them gets bigger every day. The Guardians of Time on google images are producing incredible results.
For a new City Manfred Kielnhofer is producing its own group of unique Sculptures. They will appear every night at new place and the unique sculptures might stay in a local gallery. The new Project „Mini-Guardians“ offer the chance to integrate a very special kind of photo competition too.
On the Web: and the artist himself Manfred Kielnhofer